Where There's A
Will There's A Way
FORA would not be possible without your support, please consider joining our donors in leaving a gift to ensure FORA continues for decades to come.
Honor a friend or family member by making a memorial gift.
Join our
Legacy of Empowerment Society.
Leave a lasting impact by helping the next generation succeed.
​If you are interested in exploring this commitment, please contact Michael O'Connor at michael@refugeefora.org for additional information or to chat more about the different options for including FORA in your will or estate plan.
You should speak with your legal and/or financial advisor before making this decision.
If you ultimately decide include FORA in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
Legal name: Forging Opportunities for Refugees in America Inc., NFP
Address: 6435 N. California Avenue, Chicago, IL 60645
EIN: 83-2337377
And please let us know so we can ensure your that your gift is used according to your wishes.​