Give Zakat,
Change a Life.
Our families are recently-arrived refugees—most of whom are Rohingya muslims or Afghans—who have escaped state-sanctioned violence and religious persecution, and arrived in the U.S. without education or fluency in English.
In accordance with the Qur’an, 100% of your Zakat will be used strictly for directly serving these families. We only bill goods and services that are used or consumed directly by our students and their families. No Zakat contributions at FORA are used for overhead costs, such as rent and utilities.
Reach out to info@refugeefora.org for more information or documentation.
FORA is a registered 501c3 organization, so you can list your donation as a charitable donation on U.S. federal taxes. Our EIN is 83-2337377.
Zakat funding is used for the following expenses at FORA:
Educational Software
Electronics (computers, chargers, etc.)
Physical & Electronic
Educational Supplies (paper, pens, etc.)
Food & water for students